Sunday, August 15, 2010

Changes Can Happen in a Split Second

We should never take for granted what we have. All we have is a gift form God. We must realize that anything we have in this life is temporary anyway. The people we have in our lives, the places we live, the jobs we do, the resources we have are all temporary. They can change in a moments notice. One day, one minute, one second our life can be one way, and in a split second it can be changed. The uncertainty of life is all the more reason why we need to cling to our daily walk with Christ. That time with Him in prayer, in the Word, helps us to keep our focus on the big picture so that no matter how the winds of life may blow, we are anchored to the Rock.

I do not mean to scare you today, or try to intimidate you in anyway into getting more serious about your walk with Jesus. I am simply trying to point out that so often we get comfortable in our life. We begin to take the blessings of God for granted. We get apathetic about the things that go on around us. In that process, we let our guard down and forget how dependent upon the Lord we really are. We forget that without Him, "we can do nothing"! We lose sight of the fact that He, not we, are in control of the things that go on around us. The storms of life can happen at any moment, and without warning. It is imperative that we always be prepared. Not in a paranoid sense of waiting for bad things to happen, but prepared spiritually knowing that no matter what happens, God is still on the throne. He is always in control. He permits and allows the things that happen to us happen. The logical question is why? The only legitimate answer is nobody knows but God. We must trust Him that no matter what, He has His plan and purpose at work, and it is our job to exercise our faith and trust in Him at all times.

For those that have had major, life-changing experiences recently, let me encourage you. The same God who has walked with you in the past, is the same God who will walk with you today. The same God that has delivered you from trouble before, is the same God who will deliver you from trouble today. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever! Now is the time to press into Him. Get closer to the Lord than ever before. He is our only refuge in times of trouble. His promises are true, and He will not leave you nor forsake you.

Jesus warned His disciples just hours before going to the cross that in this world they would have tribulation. He than encouraged them by telling them to "be of good cheer, for I have overcome this world." Amen! What a promise. That means no matter what you are facing in your life today, Christ has overcome that circumstance or situation. He has already won the victory. He will ALWAYS have the final word in every situation. Never forget, if you have accepted Jesus Christ by faith, and obedience to the Gospel, the Bible says that it is no longer your life any longer. It belongs to Him. So be prepared. Know that change can come at any second. Know that the unexpected will happen. Do not fear it, but embrace it since it is all part of God's plan. After all, our life is a life of service to our King. We need to be spiritually mature enough to pray as our Lord taught us, "not my will, but thy will be done."

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