Sunday, February 13, 2011


I came across an old copy of Life magazine, one article caught my attention. The best correspondents for Life magazine were sent all over the world to ask the question, "What is the meaning of life?" They talked to philosophers and children, taxi drivers and Nile River boatmen. Photographers provided images.

One dramatic photograph of a lighthouse off the Brittany Coast caught my eye. A huge Atlantic storm had sent gigantic waves around the mammoth brick structure, nearly swallowing it up. But on the sheltered side, literally surrounded by frothing, boiling waves, stood the lighthouse keeper. He was looking casually toward shore, his hands stuck nonchalantly in his pockets, as enormous waves crashed around him.

This powerful illustration reminded me of the many fierce storms of trial we face in life. And I was grateful for the promise that with God we are as safe as that lighthouse keeper. The words of Isaiah 25:4 are true for every christian: God is our refuge during the storms of physical affliction, emotional turmoil, and spiritual attack. With His protection we can endure any trial with the calm assurance that He who shields us cannot be moved. And that gives us peace no matter how turbulent our circumstances.